Tag Time Management

Blank Canvas 2013

Photo Credit Another year has come and gone. I’d say it’s almost unbelievable that 2012 has passed already, as it seems that it went so fast, but that’s just silly. A year is the same number of days every year.…

Travelling Light

  Photo Credit What is the Real Cost? There is a cost to most things you have, though often it is hidden.  I’m sure you can think of more but some of the costs that spring to my mind immediately…

I Quit!

    robert.molinarius Quitter. The word brings to mind negative thoughts along with feelings of failure, of lacking in determination, of giving up and being defeated. I became an Epicure Consultant. That took courage. To take that first step and sign…

Get It, Together!

Source If you were hoping to read a post about how to get it together, you will be disappointed. This post is more about “getting it” together; an invitation to join me as I (once again!) embark on that journey.…