Interesting Links: January Edition

Why Be Baptist?

“You should get out of the house Syndrome” at Making Home was definitely worth the read!

Returning Gifts from Jesus @ (In)Courage was a read that I could relate to. Have you ever said, “Wrong, wrong, wrong” to the Lord when He allows things in your life that you don’t feel is a good fit? I know I have!

Bad Attitude @ No Greater Joy really convicted me. I know at times I have a bad attitude, especially when I have not gotten enough sleep. My littles pick up on that. I think that at times my expectations are too great for these littles. This was definitely worth the read!

We Are So Rich @ Keeper of the Home hit it on the nail! Thankfulness and contentment go hand in hand. Often we can be busy looking at what we don’t have or what we think we need and that breeds contentment. It colors our vision and distracts us from focusing on all the blessings we do have already! DH and I were just talking the other day about our family’s focus word for the year is Thankfulness. (You can read about my personal focus word of “intentional” here)

Tots to Teens – Obedience @ Totally Tots talks about some of the reasons behind first time obedience. Obedience is really the only thing we have really focused on lately. It’s a hard thing for littles to learn but then again, I often struggle with it too!

Pork Sirloin @ eBabble looked tasty! (It was tasty, that’s my DH!!)