We Love Daddy (and Caterpillars)

MMM Father Day

OK, well I don’t know what is wrong with this crazy picture but it won’t go right side up. So to look at it, simply tilt your head to the left!

Though I have only participated in Magic Marker Monday a handful of times, I enjoy it for a couple reasons. It is interesting to visit the other participants and glean ideas for something to work on. It also gives me an opportunity to post something that Chloe has done this week for overseas family to see…and of course you too!

This week we made daddy an award. We started with a black piece of construction paper. We printed out a 1/2 sized award which we then glued on. We cut out circles and wrote reasons why we love daddy on them. We curled some pipe cleaner for the antenna and added some googly eyes from the garage sale craft supplies I mentioned last week.

If you recall, we made a clothespin caterpillar last week and now another caterpillar this week. We have a learning poster and I usually run our theme for two weeks or so. We’re just about ready to move off caterpillars. I think the natural progression would be butterflies next but we’ll see 🙂

Do you have any great butterfly craft ideas? Please Share!

This Post Links to : Magic Marker Monday


  1. Such a cute caterpillar too! We have a caterpillar fascination going on at the moment at our house as well — we have five in cocoons at the moment 🙂 Thank you for all the lovely thoughts about MMM — it's such a treat to stop by and see what you've been up to for the week. 🙂

    ~Michelle @ 5MFSN

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